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Courses: IOSH Safety Health & Environment for Construction Site Managers Refresher Course (2 day)

Classroom2 DaysPart timeCoursesEnglish

The course provides construction site managers with the tools necessary to meet their responsibilities and challenges and in addition to recognise the opportunities that a clear focus on Safety, Health and the Environment can result in a construction project.

The refresher course is open to anyone who has previously received an IOSH Managing Safely in Construction, a Managing Safely for Construction Managers or a Safety, Health & Environment for Construction Site Managers Certificate and has an IOSH Certificate Number.


Target Audience

The programme is designed for anyone who has completed IOSH Managing Safely in Construction, IOSH Managing Safely for Construction Managers or IOSH Health, Safety & Environment for Construction Site Managers Course and has an IOSH certificate with the certificate number.


Course Objectives

On completion of this training participants will be able to:

  • Assess and control risks on-site for both workers and the public
  • Understand relevant health, safety & environmental legislation/codes of practice/information and guidance on compliance
  • Understand the legal duties and management responsibility
  • Comprehend the duties and responsibilities of Employees, Clients, Designers, Contractors and Sub-Contractors
  • Appreciation the process of Risk Assessment and Control, Active Monitoring and Reactive Monitoring
  • Select workplace precautions, relative to the hazards and record results of risk assessments and carry out reviews
  • Report on accidents and incidents and distinguish between accidents, incidents and near misses and statutory requirement for reporting and recording



Course Content

  • Introducing managing safely in construction
  • Assessing risks in construction
  • Controlling risks in construction
  • Understanding your responsibilities
  • Identifying hazards in construction
  • Investigating accidents and incidents in construction
  • Measuring performance in construction



Course Assessment

  • Written assessment

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IOSH Safety Health & Environment for Construction Site Managers Refresher Course (2 day)
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