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Other education: CET Certificate in Education and Training

Online Course8 MonthsPart timeOther educationEnglish

All of the course materials for the Certificate in Education and Training are delivered online through our Virtual Learning Environment, the price assumes you already hold 12 credit PTLLS or the Award in Education and Training.

The theory is completed online through our moodle based VLE.  Practical modules can take place where you are delivering your training.

You will be required to evidence of delivering 30 hours of training and compile your portfolio, all of the documents are provided on the VLE.

There will need to be 3 observed sessions, either by a suitably qualified colleague or by a member of our team.  The price for the course depends on whether you have access to a suitably qualified person.


You will have 12 months to complete the course


36 Credits

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CET Certificate in Education and Training
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